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Enhancing NFT Marketplaces - Layer 2 Scaling Solutions


In recent years, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have captivated the world with their unique digital assets, ranging from artwork and music to tweets. As collectors, investors, and creators continue to embrace NFTs, the popularity boom has exposed significant challenges such as high transaction fees and slow processing times. Layer 2 scaling solutions offer a promising means to address these issues, enhancing the overall experience for NFT marketplaces.

What is an NFT?

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are a type of digital asset that represent ownership and provenance of unique items or pieces of content on a blockchain. They have gained significant popularity in recent years, particularly in the worlds of art, collectibles, and virtual goods.Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible tokens (meaning one token is interchangeable with another of the same type), non-fungible tokens have distinct and unique properties that make them non-interchangeable. Each NFT has a unique identifier that distinguishes it from other tokens and allows for the verification of its authenticity and provenance.

NFTs can represent digital art, music, virtual real estate, virtual goods in video games, and more. They are commonly created on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, using standards like ERC-721 or ERC-1155, which enable the creation and tracking of unique tokens.The ownership and transfer of NFTs are facilitated through smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. This makes NFT transactions secure, transparent, and decentralized, with the blockchain serving as an immutable public ledger for verifying ownership and provenance.

Understanding Layer 2 Scaling Solutions

Layer 2 scaling solutions are advanced technologies built atop existing blockchain protocols, specifically designed to boost transaction efficiency and speed. By enabling off-chain transactions, layer 2 solutions lighten the load on the underlying blockchain, thus enhancing overall scalability. Various forms of layer 2 solutions exist, including state channels, sidechains, and rollups.

State Channels

State channels are essentially private transaction pathways created between participating nodes. These channels allow participants to conduct unlimited transactions off-chain. The main blockchain only gets updated when the state channel is closed, with the final net state of all transactions. Imagine state channels as a bar tab that you open with a friend. You can have unlimited drink orders (transactions) throughout the night (off-chain), and at the end of the night, the final bill (net result) is settled (on-chain). State channels provide instant transaction confirmation, privacy, and lower fees. They are particularly useful in scenarios that involve frequent transactions between parties such as in gaming platforms or micro-payment systems.


Sidechains operate parallel to the main blockchain. They maintain their own independent ledger and consensus protocol, but are linked to the main blockchain. Assets can be transferred between the main chain and the sidechain, providing a way for more transactions to be processed or for different applications to run without congesting the main network. Sidechains can be customized to handle unique requirements, like faster transaction processing, more sophisticated smart contracts, or improved privacy. A notable example of a sidechain is the Liquid Network for Bitcoin, designed for inter-exchange transfers for improved efficiency.


Rollups are a promising Layer 2 solution that aggregates multiple transactions into a single one, which is then validated and posted on-chain. They significantly increase the transaction throughput of the main blockchain, while also reducing gas costs for individual transactions.Rollups come in two primary forms: Optimistic Rollups and Zero-Knowledge Rollups (zk-Rollups). Optimistic Rollups presume all transactions are valid unless challenged, while zk-Rollups use sophisticated cryptographic proofs for validation. Ethereum, for instance, is implementing Optimistic Rollups as part of its major upgrade, Ethereum 2.0.

Interlay and Interoperability

Layer 2 solutions also open up possibilities for interlay and interoperability among different blockchain networks. This means different blockchains can communicate and transact with each other, adding another level of versatility to the blockchain ecosystem. This is especially important for DeFi (Decentralized Finance) applications that often require interactions between multiple blockchains.

The Impact of Layer 2 on NFT Marketplaces

NFT marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible have experienced exponential growth, attracting a plethora of creators and collectors. However, this surge in demand has led to increased transaction fees, raising the costs for creators to mint and sell their NFTs. High gas fees have also hindered some collectors from participating in auctions and purchases, deterring potential buyers. Layer 2 solutions can mitigate these issues by reducing transaction fees and processing times. By executing transactions off-chain, layer 2 technologies can significantly decrease gas fees, making it more cost-effective for creators to mint and sell their NFTs. Consequently, this could result in more diverse and inclusive marketplaces, enabling a broader range of creators and collectors to engage.

Moreover, layer 2 solutions can enhance the overall user experience within NFT marketplaces. Quicker processing times ensure that auctions and sales are completed more swiftly, minimizing waiting times for both buyers and sellers. Layer 2 solutions also expand the capacity of NFT marketplaces, permitting more transactions to occur simultaneously and further improving user experience.


Some NFT marketplaces have started to benefit from Layer 2 solutions, which aim to address the scalability and transaction cost issues associated with operating on the primary blockchain layer (Layer 1). Layer 2 solutions operate on top of existing blockchains, like Ethereum, and help to improve transaction throughput, reduce latency, and decrease fees.

Immutable X

Immutable X is a Layer 2 scaling solution built on top of Ethereum, specifically designed for NFTs. It offers zero gas fees for minting and trading NFTs, as well as fast transaction times. Gods Unchained, a blockchain-based trading card game, is one of the projects utilizing Immutable X.


ZKSwap is a Layer 2 decentralized exchange (DEX) built on Ethereum's zkRollup technology. Although it primarily focuses on fungible tokens, it has also integrated support for ERC-721-based NFTs, allowing users to trade NFTs with lower fees and faster transactions.


Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network, is a Layer 2 scaling solution and protocol that offers a range of tools and technologies to improve Ethereum's scalability. Several NFT projects and marketplaces have integrated with Polygon, such as Aavegotchi and Decentraland, to take advantage of its lower fees and faster transactions.

As the NFT market continues to grow, it is expected that more NFT marketplaces and projects will adopt Layer 2 solutions to provide a better user experience by overcoming the limitations of the underlying blockchains.


In conclusion, layer 2 solutions present a promising avenue to address the challenges confronting NFT marketplaces. By lowering transaction fees, accelerating processing times, and expanding capacity, these technologies can make NFTs more accessible and affordable for a wider audience. As Goshen explores the potential of layer 2, the NFT space may witness even greater innovation and growth in the near future.